2024 | United Kingdom | Documentary,Feature

Ghosts Moving Flowers and Physical Mediumship

  • English - 60 mins
  • Director | Karl Fallon
  • Writer | Patrick McNamara
  • Producer | Karl Fallon

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This Ghostcircle film by Director Karl Fallon, is a thought provoking documentary about Physical Phenomena never captured before on film. The documentary captures moments in time about modern day Physical Mediumship with Physical medium Patrick McNamara. Patrick explains that by providing the necessary conditions with people in a "Psychic Circle", it will allow spirit entities the opportunity to move flowers in people’s hands. These Psychic or Physical Circles were demonstrated repeatedly and held in independent and reputedly haunted locations around the UK and Ireland. The film explores and captures the phenomena as he discusses the process around the demonstrations. All attendees were unknown to the medium and his team before turning up to see what they would get. The individual independent Psychic Circle sitters actually see and feel amazing phenomenon, and then give witness statements about that they experienced. See the strange and flower moving by the spirit entities with the sitters.

documentary medium Psychic flower Physical Phenomena film independent UK Ireland explore spirit