1976 | USA | Documentary

Gabriel (1976)

  • - - 78 mins
  • Director | Agnes Martin
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

“I’ve never seen a movie or read a story that was absolutely free of any misery. And so, I thought I would make one.”‍

Agnes Martin was one of the most influential abstract artists of the twentieth century. Known for her meticulous paintings of horizontal and vertical lines, her anomalous only completed film is conversely loose and imprecise in its pursuit of perfection. Gabriel opens on a little boy surveying the ocean, then follows him as he wanders freely through the desert landscapes of New Mexico. It is a film embodying happiness and innocence amid natural beauty. Silent except for several passages from Bach’s Goldberg Variations, we are thrilled to present this rarely-screened film with a live score performed by Rockaway Chamber Music.

Beauty Minimalist Aesthetics Natural Landscapes