2023 | Sierra Leone | Short

Freetown: Cooling a City

  • English - 10 mins
  • Director | Surabhi Tandon
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Peter Dynes

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Freetown, Sierra Leone faces significant challenges due to rising temperatures and a large impoverished population unable to afford cooling. In response, the city has appointed Eugenia Kargbo as Africa's first Chief Heat Officer to raise awareness and develop heat mitigation strategies. Collaborating with MEER (Mirrors for Earth's Energy Rebalancing), founded by Dr. Ye Tao, Freetown is pioneering the use of passive cooling materials to create mirrors that reflect sunlight and reduce local temperatures. A team of recent graduates from Freetown's university implemented this technology in Kroo Bay, lowering indoor temperatures by 5-7℃ (9-13°F) and significantly improving residents' quality of life. The documentary highlights the transformative impact on a local family and plans for broader implementation to help more residents.

Climate Innovation Documentary Community Improvement