1993 | United Kingdom | Fiction,Short

Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life

  • English 23 mins
  • Director | Peter Capaldi
  • Writer | Peter Capaldi
  • Producer | Ruth Kenley-Letts

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Franz Kafka is working on his Metamorphosis, but he’s suffering from writer’s block; he can’t get off on the right track. While trying to decide what Gregor Samsa is going to wake up as, he is constantly interrupted by door-to-door salesmen, young women, and his own inexplicable hallucinations. The film, whose title combines the name of the celebrated author with the cult family classic by Frank Capra, won the 1995 Oscar for best short live-action feature. 

Kafka Blocked Writer Interruption Hallucination Noise Strangers