2023 | United Kingdom | Short

For You (2023)

  • Italian - 3 mins
  • Director | Luca Paulli
  • Writer | Luca Paulli
  • Producer | Richard Barnett, Luca Paulli

STATUS: Released

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For You is a letter from a father to his two-year-old son. This project is deeply intimate and personal, yet it carries a universal message: though the future may be uncertain, with love, courage, and imagination, we can build a better future. Set in Peckham, South East London, where the director lives with his family, the story is narrated in Italian, the language he has spoken to his son since birth. Now more than ever, the future of our planet appears uncertain, and our children are urging us to take action to help them build a better tomorrow. This film aims to foster a positive perspective. Instead of succumbing to fear, it inspires us to draw strength from our children and envision a brighter future—an idea truly worth fighting for.

Family Drama Intimate Documentary Environmental Awareness