2023 | USA | Documentary

First We Bombed New Mexico

  • English, Spanish - 95 mins
  • Director | Lois Lipman
  • Writer | Lois Lipman, Joel Marcus
  • Producer | Douglas Blush, Lois Lipman, Joel Marcus

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

First We Bombed New Mexico follows Hispanic cancer survivor Tina Cordova who has catalyzed a movement seeking justice for forgotten residents of southern New Mexico. These, (mostly Hispanic and Native ) Americans suffer multigenerational cancers which they tie to the poisoning of their land and water by the Trinity Bomb.

This is the story that Oppenheimer doesn’t tell. Tina discovers that Manhattan Project physicians had urged General Groves to evacuate residents before the blast. Concerns about litigation trumped citizen health.

Tina also discovers that baby deaths in New Mexico spiked directly after the blast.

Citizens downwind of nuclear tests in other states have received reparations from Congress since 1990.

Tina's goal is to have Congress extend the act before it expires in June so Hispanic and Native American New Mexicans, the original downwinders, also receive compensation.

Environmental Nuclear Cancer Bomb