2023 | United States | Fiction,Feature


  • English 113 mins
  • Director | Christos Nikou
  • Writer | Christos Nikou, Sam Steiner, Stavros Raptis
  • Producer | Christos Nikou, Cate Blanchett, Coco Francini, Andrew Upton, Lucas Wiesendanger

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Are you looking for reassurance that your beloved is The One, that your partner is truly for life? Then visit the Love Institute, a scientific organization that will test the mutual compatibility of people who have decided to embark on life’s journey together. It is here of all places that the incurable romantic Anna finds a job, temporarily mentored by the thoughtful and sympathetic Amir. Greek director Christos Nikou’s tender and absurd romance with a touch of sci-fi will delight even audiences who tend to avoid anything that is even remotely “science fiction.” Co-produced by Cate Blanchett, the talented Nikou’s second outing (his debut Apples instantly made him one of the most sought-after directors today) features disarming performances by Jesse Buckley and Riz Ahmed.

Love Assurance Scientific Compatibility Journey Romance