2023 | Belgium | Short

Ferne Stimmen (Distant Voices)

  • German English 5 mins
  • Director | Annik Leroy, Julie Morel
  • Writer | Julie Morel, Annik Leroy
  • Producer | Marie Logie

STATUS: Released

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Ferne Stimmen : distant voices. That of Hannah Arendt, whose poem written in 1942 in honor of Walter Benjamin is read in voiceover over images of sections of walls and deserted streets of an abandoned village: Oradour-sur-Glane. That of Ulrike Meinhof too, evoking the place of women in political commitment or the survival of fascism in post-war Germany, while one of them sits in a cell reminiscent of the activist's. Two German women who fought Nazism or its thought; two evocations of state violence and the struggles it engenders; two off-center frames that in turn overlap, contaminate and fertilize each other in a palimpsest of eras and resistances.

Documentary Historical Biographical Political Feminist Poem Honor Germany Images Violence Struggles Activist Fertilize