2022 | United States | Documentary

Farm Free or Die (2022)

  • English - 30 mins
  • Director | Roger Sorkin
  • Writer | Roger Sorkin
  • Producer | Roger Sorkin

STATUS: Released

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Extreme weather events are hitting America’s farmers hard and with greater frequency than ever before. Combined with the mounting costs of conventional farming methods that require increasingly expensive fossil-based fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides for ever-decreasing yields, these events are driving many farmers to economic failure. The cycle of extractive agriculture creates dire economic, food security, health, and environmental hazards – for farmers and everyone else. Farm Free or Die advocates for transformative agricultural policies that improve farming livelihoods and address the climate crisis. The stories of farmers on the front lines of severe environmental and economic adversity will catalyze support for policies that stabilize rural communities, strengthen food security, and incentivize soil health and carbon removal.

Regenerative Agriculture Climate Change Food Security Soil Health Carbon Sequestration