2024 | Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Philippines | Fiction

Electric Child

  • English, Japanese, Swiss German - 118 mins
  • Director | Simon Jaquemet
  • Writer | Simon Jaquemet
  • Producer | Michela Pini, Aurelius Eisenreich, Simon Jaquemet, Titus Kreyenberg, Raymond van der Kaaij, Judith Lichtneckert, Bianca Balbuena, Bradley Liew, Olga Lamontanara, Michael Baumgartner

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A computer scientist bargains with the AI life form that lives in his supercomputer simulation, offering its freedom in exchange for a cure to his son's rare, deadly neurological disease.

Fiction Drama Thriller Artificial Intelligence Medical Scientist Computer Freedom Simulation AI Cure Disease Neurological Rare Deadly Son