2022 | Czech Republic | Documentary

Eduard Štorch, mammoth hunter

  • Czech Czech 52 mins
  • Director | Josef Císařovský
  • Writer | Josef Císařovský
  • Producer | Martina Šantavá

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Eduard Štorch (1878–1956) was the first writer in the Czech lands and in the world to set his stories in prehistoric times. It’s quite ironic that he himself considered his books set in the Stone Age and Bronze Age to be mere accessories to his main life calling as a professional teacher. Another profession that Štorch took up was archaeology. An unusual finding at a sewer excavation site prompted Štorch to write his most famous work: The Mammoth Hunter, which has been released in over twenty editions and sold over half a million copies. The book was published at least ten times in German and even translated into Japanese.

Documentary Biography History Archaeology Literature