On the island of Shikoku, the smallest and least populated of the four large Japanese islands, an inconspicuous building stands in the middle of a mysterious forest. While the last fragments of the morning mist slowly rise above the mountain, a couple of puppies are shocked by the arrival of a small truck. A number of men routinely unload the crates from the truck; they contain several new cats and dogs. Some move nervously within the small compartment, others are strikingly quiet and calm.
Here, far away from their familiar surroundings, some of them are starting a wait for the unknown, while others enter the secret ‘dream box’.
This clinic contrasts starkly with the ‘kitty cuteness’ and ‘puppy admiration’ that is a part of the ubiquitous sickly-sweet Kawaii culture, in which everything that is small and sweet is adored. Dream Box invites you to think about subjects such as animal ethics, consumer society and life and death.