2023 | North Macedonia, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Sweden, United States, Australia | Fiction,Feature

Domakinstvo za Pocetnici (Housekeeping for Beginners)

  • Macedonian, Romani, Albanian, French 107 mins
  • Director | Goran Stolevski
  • Writer | Goran Stolevski
  • Producer | Blerta Basholli, Marija Dimitrova, Ankica Juric Tilic, Beata Rzezniczek, Klaudia Smieja, Milan Stojanovic

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Is family something we are born into, or is it something we build over the course of our lives? Who creates family? And can it be created artificially? Goran Stolevski’s third feature film tells the story of Dita, a social worker who is forced to take on the role of mother and to deal with various steps necessary for giving a group of “dropouts” family support. But this diverse bunch of characters bursting with energy is like a bomb waiting to go off. A crushing portrayal of the complexity of interpersonal relationships and social roles, Housekeeping for Beginners premiered in the Orizzonti competition at the Venice Film Festival, where it won the Queer Lion award.

Family Natural Artificial Social Worker Dropout Complex Role