2024 | Germany, Russia, China | Documentary

Do You Want To See Part Two?

  • English French 74 mins
  • Director | cricri sora ren
  • Writer | cricri sora ren
  • Producer | Christian von Borries

STATUS: Released

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Let's start with a hypothesis: what would the world generated by Artificial Intelligence look like? Second hypothesis: aren't we already there? How can we find our way around? Starting from there, Cricri sora ren, or the duo formed by Christian von Borries ( The Dubai in me , FID 2010) and AI, questions our world, the political fantasies that run through it, by mainly articulating three places with concrete geography: so-called communist China, Berlin and, as a center of gravity, Putin's post-2022 wartime Russia. Here we are caught up in a dystopian historical-hysterical speculation (our world?), in a maelstrom of images, social networks and video games at work. A very real world where AI and propaganda go hand in hand. A slippery world where, through the virtues of computer-generated images, von Borries in his own way squeezes the same two moments as Putin, who compresses 1945-2022 into a dizzying temporal short-circuit. But let's not be mistaken: the two worlds, virtual and real, are more than interconnected. In this whirlwind, using voices, texts and images generated by AI, the director himself finds himself digested. However, as a good moralist, he overplays and points out the confusions, the involutions, the contaminations from one world to another. The operation produces a "film on the homogenization of behaviors", which he invites us to receive in the light of Walter Benjamin's famous phrase according to which "there is no document of culture that is not also a document of barbarism". But would it also be a world, rejoices Cricri sora ren, where the notion of authorship has disappeared? And where AI could ultimately produce results where utopias have failed? We have been warned. Nicolas Feodoroff

Artificial Intelligence Historical Cultural Hypothesis AI Fantasies Geography Gravity Barbarism Behaviors Documentary