2024 | Senegal, Germany, Qatar | Fiction,Feature


  • French 100 mins
  • Director | Mamadou Dia
  • Writer | Mamadou Dia
  • Producer | Maba Ba, Nicole Gerhards

STATUS: Released

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55-year-old Demba is about to retire after 30 years of service at the city hall in his small town in Northern Senegal. That hot summer, as the 2-year anniversary of his wife’s passing approaches, he realizes he just can’t “shake it off.” As his mental health deteriorates, he discovers a new connection with his once-estranged son. Grief and depression are so alike that for years, the American Psychiatric Association has urged doctors not to diagnose major depression in individuals who have recently lost a loved one. But what does that mean for a society that does not have a word for depression and where psychosocial disorders remain a taboo? Can Demba recover from his loss without losing himself?

Retired Service Death Mental Health Estrange Grief Depression