2015 | U.S.A. | Documentary,Short

David Vago: Contemplative Neuroscientist

  • 14 mins
  • Director | Conor Provenzano
  • Writer | Conor Provenzano
  • Producer | Conor Provenzano

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

In 2014 I met with David Vago Ph.D to discuss his research on meditators at Harvard Medical. At the time, Dave was Senior Research Coordinator as part of the Mapping the Meditative Mind Initiative and had participated in several Dharmasala summits along with Richard Davidson and Willoughby Britton, who presented research to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

Dave now works as Research Director at Osher Center for Integrative Medicine Vanderbilt University, and is a leading contemplative neuroscientist in the neurodharma movement. I am very grateful that he allowed me to conduct interviews and document in his home and office in Boston, April 2014. Daves commitment to reducing suffering in the world will always be a source of inspiration.

- Conor Provenzano (Director)

contemplative neuroscience neurodharma mindfulness meditation documentary short film research Boston inspiration Medical