2023 | United States | Fiction


  • English - 92 mins
  • Director | Julia Halperin, Jason Cortlund
  • Writer | Jason Cortlund
  • Producer | Julia Halperin, Todd Remis

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

After the sudden deaths of her aging parents, Maria Gallucci returns to her childhood home on Cape Cod (Massachusetts). When Maria's estranged brother Nico (and his older girlfriend Sigrid) show up to help sort out the estate, tensions soon rise about how to best sell the decrepit house. While Maria and Sigrid forge an unexpected friendship, Nico's emotional volatility becomes increasingly unstable. Is it the effects of an old brain injury, the toll of revisiting past family traumas, or something related to the strange vibrating hum that only Maria seems to hear?

Drama Family Psychological Thriller fiction childhood Massachusetts friendship brain injury