1960 | France | Documentary

Comment naissent des méduses (How jellyfish are born)

  • French - 14 mins
  • Director | Jean Painleve
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

I am very attached to the partitive "DES" jellyfish, because the species are so numerous and varied and have different methods of reproduction. In this film, only four are indicated... These are very small animals. These polyps, reminiscent of tiny amphorae, are in fact only about one to two millimeters long. Essentially formed of a stomach attached to the algae by a foot, the animal is surrounded by three circles of tentacles. It is through them that I understood the disruptive role of light, which jellyfish or their larvae cannot escape under the microscope, when frame-by-frame shooting is necessary for several days and nights.

Jellyfish Polyps Reproduction Marine Life Microscopy Frame-by-Frame
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