2021 | Czech Republic | Short

Člověk a Světlo (Light And The Humankind)

  • Czech - 7 mins
  • Director | Tomáš Návrata
  • Writer | Tomáš Návrata, Josef Cach
  • Producer | Josef Cach

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Humans were the first creatures on Earth capable of prolonging their day. They learned to control fire, scaring all other living beings, and outwitted the sun. However, that was not the end of the human’s "light evolution." Millions of years later, Edison invented the lightbulb—an instant fire for every household without the risk of setting everything ablaze. Other inventions followed, some of which started robbing us of our sleep with the increasing amount of blue light. Hynek Medřický, an expert on light, points out the negative effects of blue light, which damages our perception of day and night. What does light do to us? How do we prevent our own inventions from becoming problematic?

Documentary Science Technology Health Environmental Educational