2023 | United States | Short

Climate Town (2023)

  • English - 32 mins
  • Director | Rollie Williams
  • Writer | Matt Nelsen
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Parking ain't free, Jackson.

And thanks to a series of archaic (and frankly pretty stupid) parking minimum laws, the US now has way more parking than we actually need. But why? And when? Maybe even how?

This episode of Climate Town dives deep into the annals of parking legislation in the US, before coming back around to offer some ideas of what we could actually do to change all this.

And the good news? There are a bunch of places that have made great progress undoing these parking minimum laws. So if you're running up against them in your area? Well, friend, you just might have a fighting chance.

Climate Town Climate Change Civic Activism