2023 | Taiwan, Belgium, Canada, Vietnam, Cambodia | Short

Chung-nan-pan-tao Wei-chih-mou-chu (Somewhere Unknown In Indochina)

  • - English 38 mins
  • Director | Asio Chihsiung Liu, Feng Ting Tsou
  • Writer | Asio Chihsiung Liu
  • Producer | Feng Ting Tsou, Asio Chihsiung Liu

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Can a living person dream of ghosts’ dreams if a ghost can dream? This VR work unveils an unknown refugee camp in Indochina and a dream within another dream. The story’s protagonists are three siblings: Dung, Lien, and Phuong, during wartime in Indochina in the 1970s. They are Vietnamese born in Cambodia. This project is adapted from the unknown Vietnamese refugee camps in Penghu, Taiwan, and from a dream of an unidentified female victim in the Khmer Rouge period.

IndoChina Dreams Refugee Foreign Places Refugee Camps Ghost VR Protagonists Siblings Wartime Vietnamese Cambodia Taiwan Female Victim