2023 | Canada | Documentary

Chom5ky vs Chomsky: A Playful Conversation on AI

  • English - 25 mins
  • Director | Sandra Rodriguez
  • Writer | Sandra Rodriguez
  • Producer | Sebastian Huber, Marie-Pier Gauthier, Laurence Dolbec, Louis-Richard Tremblay, Sandra Rodriguez

STATUS: Completed

This film is currently not available.   

Artificial intelligence is everywhere—from the photo enhancer in our phones to self-driving cabs and virtual assistant everywhere. But what is it exactly?, Chom5ky vs Chomsky: A playful conversation on AI is an engaging and collaborative virtual reality experience that invites us to examine the promises and pitfalls of AI. Machine intelligence is promoted as our inevitable future. We would logically mean we should all be able to ask: What are we hoping to achieve with it? For whom? At what cost?, In VR, visitors enter a world of curiosity and play, where they are greeted by CHOM5KY—an artificial entity inspired by and built from the vast digital traces of renowned professor Noam Chomsky.

Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Noam Chomsky Interactive Experience Technology