2023 | France, Belgium, Luxembourg | Animation

Champ De Bataille

  • French - 21 mins
  • Director | François Vautier
  • Writer | François Vautier, Geoffroy Grison
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

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The Earth carries all of mankind’s memories within it. But when people suffer, their pain and torment always rise to the surface. In 1916, the fields of Verdun were the theatre of unprecedented barbarism. Battered bodies, mutilated landscapes, darkened skies of despair... Amidst all this, a soldier named Julien lives through these dark times, abandoning any chance of youth and happiness. He, and the nature that surrounds him, are forever united in a common fate.

Historical Drama War Tragedy Barbarism Suffer Memories Fate Theatre Despair Soldier Youth Happiness Animation