2024 | France | Documentary

Brains (2024)

  • French English 63 mins
  • Director | Philippe Petit
  • Writer | Philippe Petit
  • Producer | Stephanie Carreras, Philippe Pujo, Gregoire Couzinier, Thomas Couzinier, Frédéric Dubreuil, Sarah Derny

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

In this intimate, sentimental, but also burlesque road movie, Philippe leaves to join his mother, who suffers from a degenerative neuronal disease. But the floods slow down the train journey, and as the journey progresses, mental images and memories, filmed over time, collide with the present and sketch out Bernadette's aging in dotted lines. Reunions punctuate the filmmaker's medical-picaresque journey: his brother, friends lost from sight and reconnected, with whom each conversation is an opportunity to take stock of the time that passes and the paths traveled, of the common that remains as well as the acceptance of life and its accidents.

Family Drama Relationship Life Accidents Acceptance Neuronal Disease Floods Train Journey Memories Mental Images Conversation Opportunity