2024 | France | Documentary

Boomerang (2024)

  • French - 14 mins
  • Director | Maider Fortuné
  • Writer | Maider Fortuné
  • Producer | Maider Fortuné

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The inner courtyard of the Canebière building, built by Fernand Pouillon in 1952 as a vision of quality popular housing. The camera slowly follows the vertical and horizontal lines of the windows. Traces of human habitation punctuate the uniformity of the façade (linen, potted plants). The rhythm syncopates, accelerates: pendulum movements follow the panoramic shots, the hubbub of footsteps and voices in the hall begins a crescendo. The screen goes black, and James Baldwin's voice speaks in French about the place that French society grants to Algerians. Between the visual part without words and the spoken part without images, a thread: the legacy of popular struggles within French society, of their demand for dignity and equality.

Architecture Social History Relationship Courtyard Building Built Vision Quality Housing Vertical Horizontal Lines Dignity Equality