2024 | Austria | Documentary


  • German, English, Russian English, French 83 mins
  • Director | Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
  • Writer | Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky
  • Producer | Lixi Frank, David Bohun

STATUS: Released

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With Beatrix (FID 2021), their first feature film, Milena Czernovsky and Lilith Kraxner had already demonstrated the subtlety of their art of portraiture, through the attention they paid to the most tenuous gestures, to ways of being, of inhabiting a space, a place. In this second feature film, they focus our attention on two young women, Errol and Sacha, in their twenties. We will know little about them. The film, anchored in their daily lives, leads from situation to situation, just sketched, perceived in fragments, without salient events, seeming to belong to the ordinary of a life apparently without history. "Are you crazy, are you normal, are you weak?" questions in the form of a prologue the magnificent trio of elderly women who punctuate the film like an ancient choir, offering their commentary. From gestures to situations left hanging, through an elliptical montage, bluish lets us glimpse their inner movements as if in dotted lines, showing each of our two protagonists facing their own hesitations, their own enigma. Growing up? Becoming an adult, finding a place to be oneself. And creating one's own self-image. A moment in life, bathed in the blue of the title: that of the city in winter, that of the virtual world that punctuates the film as if echoing their questions. That also of their feelings, of this nuanced atmosphere in which the film is bathed. Nicolas Feodoroff

Cityscape Virtual World Adulthood Self-discovery Art Portraiture Gestures Hesitations Ancient Choir Commentary Atmosphere Documentary