2023 | Italy, United Kingdom, Spain | Experimental,Short

Bliss Point

  • 26 mins
  • Director | Gerard Ortín Castellví
  • Writer | Gerard Ortín Castellví
  • Producer | Gerard Ortín Castellví

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Bliss Point indicates the optimal dose of food additives required to achieve desired palatability for the consumer. Bliss Point is also the culmination of a trilogy, in which Gerard Ortín Castellví traces the journey undertaken by food products as they make their way to our table. Buffeting us with alluring images, this aesthetically honed film follows the various stages a food item has to go through in order to stimulate our taste buds. At the same time, however, Castellví calls into question the scramble for perfection, where functionality is placed above humanity.

Food Additive Consumer Journey Products Buffet Stages Taste