At every moment, the film asks the audience what judgment you would make. The situation is infinitely more delicate. While actors Daniel and Sandra were filming a bed scene, Sandra claims that Daniel raped her. Daniel completely denies this. If you were a production crew member who was on set with these people, a movie producer who rushed to you after hearing the news, or an actor's agent, who would you trust and how would you respond? The film, which drew the audience into the role of judge and navigated every nook and cranny of the difficult maze of truth, leaves the exit in the second half and presents a different scene. How hasty and dangerous can the attention and anger the media and the public throw at such incidents become? The intense battle over the truth over a sensitive case, as well as how each character's interests and social and political context are intertwined in the details, stands out for its perspective that examines the inside and outside of the case, the trees and the entire forest.