2025 | United States | Documentary

Arrest the Midwife (2025)

  • English - 82 mins
  • Director | Elaine Epstein
  • Writer | -
  • Producer | Elaine Epstein, Robin Hessman

STATUS: Completed

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In the heart of a rural Amish and Mennonite enclave, a dramatic chain of events unfolds as several trusted midwives are arrested—one after the other. These shocking arrests leave their community stranded in a healthcare desert, and reignite a centuries-old battle between time-honored tradition and industrialized medicine. Set against the backdrop of the US’ severe maternal mortality crisis and the erosion of women's reproductive rights, this David and Goliath story follows a group of renegade Amish and Mennonite women as they break with tradition, and become unlikely activists fighting for change. With rare intimate access, "Arrest the Midwife" tells a powerful story of collective action.

Documentary Midwifery Amish Community Mennonite Community Birthing Rights