2024 | USA | Documentary

Arctic Ascent

  • English - 90 mins
  • Director | Nat Geo
  • Writer | Bruce Kennedy
  • Producer | Mikey Schaefer, Stephanie Stoltzfus, Kirstine Davidson, Bengt Anderson, Frances Casey, Saul Goldberg, Martha Holmes, Grant Mansfield, James Smith

STATUS: Released

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Alex Honnold (Free Solo) embarks on an epic quest of unclimbed walls in one of the most remote corners of Greenland, a country on the frontline of the climate crisis. Honnold has always dreamed of exploring Greenland and its unclimbed peaks. Now he and world-class climbers Hazel Findlay and Mikey Schaefer attempt to summit Ingmikortilaq, an unclimbed Arctic seacliff that rises out of the frozen wilderness and is nearly 1,000 feet higher than Free Solo’s El Capitan. For Honnold, a long-time climate activist, this expedition is about more than just climbing, it is an opportunity to witness firsthand the impact of climate change on a wilderness that is vitally important to the future of the planet. With the help of Dr. Heïdi Sevestre, a glaciologist working with the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, Greenlandic guide Adam Kjeldsen and renowned adventurer Aldo Kane, the team use a special radar to take real-time depth and density measurements of a rarely studied section of Greenland’s ice cap.

Climate Activist Climate Change Wildernes