2022 | Italy | Fiction

Antropophagus II (Anthropophagus II)

  • Italian English 87 mins
  • Director | Dario Germani
  • Writer | Lorenzo De Luca
  • Producer | Gianni Paolucci

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

A return to the bloodiest horror movie! More than forty years after the release of the cult movie Anthropophagus by the legendary Joe D’Amato comes the sequel where an adventure turns into the worst nightmare ever. University students are convinced by their teacher to live inside a bunker for 24 hours to acquire information for their atomic theses. A sinister caretaker accompanies them to the fetid improvised dormitory. But during the night two disappear and soon the survivors are sucked into a deadly vortex concocted by the madness of a ferocious anthropophagus who, with unprecedented violence, disfigures and devours them.

horror slasher gore cult sequel Anthropophagus Joe D’Amato survival