2022 | Australia | Documentary

Animal Kingdom 3D: A Tale of Six Families

  • English - 40 mins
  • Director | Amelia McCarten, Paula Grusovin
  • Writer | Amelia McCarten, Paula Grusovin
  • Producer | David Gross, Tim Maddocks

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

The film Animal Kingdom leads you through the snow-covered forests, under the scorching African sun, or into the darkest depths of the ocean to explain how the natural world works.

Fascinating 3D footage introduces you to animals from all around the globe and answers simple yet important questions that make up the foundations of our knowledge about the animal kingdom. Learn why some animals occupy specific habitats on our planet, what is their role in nature, or how to help protect them. Slow-paced narration and medium duration allow the whole family to embark on a spectacular adventure into the animal world.

Adventure Spectacular Education Exploration