2024 | India | Animation

An Unwanted Member

  • - - 2 mins
  • Director | Nitish Choudhary
  • Writer | Sagar Pookate
  • Producer | -

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Nowadays, we are all caught in the cycle of stress, and day after day, it becomes a permanent part of our lifestyle. In this movie, there are three phases: stress transmission (phase one), where it passes from the boss to the employee, from the employee to another man in traffic, and from that man to his wife, like an infection. Stress birth (phase two): a child grows up surrounded by stress. The third phase is stress propagation: the boy goes to school and passes the stress on to his classmates. One of his classmates becomes the boss – the same boss who appears in the first scene.

Stress Cycle Contagion Society Workplace