2023 | USA | Documentary

All Illusions Must be Broken

  • English - 88 mins
  • Director | Laura Dunn, Jef Sewell
  • Writer | Ernest Becker
  • Producer | Terrence Malick, Robert Redford, Nick Offerman & Nelda Buckman

STATUS: Released

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ALL ILLUSIONS MUST BE BROKEN is a cinematic contemporization of the work of American cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker whose book THE DENIAL OF DEATH won the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1974. Becker’s interdisciplinary exploration of human nature and his own personal testimony challenge us to move beyond our fears and see the beauty that surrounds our fragile lives.

Increasingly, cultural & virtual environments are replacing our actual, natural environment. In the process, as Becker’s ideas help to show, we only further our tendencies toward self-deception. Part film essay, part verité study, the narrative interleaves Becker’s profound insights, contemporary interviews on the re-patterning power of screens, and scenes from a boyhood ages birth to 13.

Environments Virtual Environments Self-Deception Film Essay