2024 | Tunisia, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar   | Fiction

Agora (2024)

  • Arabic - 102 mins
  • Director | Ala Eddine Slim
  • Writer | Ala Eddine Slim
  • Producer | Ala Eddine Slim, Julie Viez

STATUS: Production

This film is currently not available.   

In a remote and reclusive town, the missing people return and appear enigmatic and bizarre. The tension within the families, the community, and the town grows. Fathi, a local police inspector, tries to understand what is happening, with the help of Amine, his doctor friend. As they go about their respective investigations with Fathi investigating and Amine analyzing, the two friends become stuck in the absurdity and strangeness of the case. Then Omar, a police inspector sent from the capital, arrives to the city to solve the enigma. The stories intertwine and intermingle, while the atmosphere becomes oppressive. What happened when they disappeared? Will Omar's arrival bring understanding? Is there still time to understand? As tension mounts among the inhabitants, some groups form to exclude the returnees, while others call for them to be welcomed back. A curse falls on the town and the matter becomes complicated. Many questions and encounters take place in the city arena and under the gaze of stray dogs.

Mystery Thriller Supernatural Psychological Investigation Police Inspector Arena Questions Encounter Curse Stray Dogs