2021 | India | Short

ADAPTATION: Ice Stupas of Ladakh

  • English - 16 mins
  • Director | Justin DeShields
  • Writer | Alizé Carrère
  • Producer | Alizé Carrère

STATUS: Released

This film is currently not available.   

Communities in the arid high-mountain region of Ladakh rely on glacial meltwater to feed streams and water crops during the spring and summer months. Global warming is dramatically re-shaping the future of these areas. In this episode of ADAPTATION, Alizé Carrère meets Sonam Wangchuk, a Ladakhi teacher and engineer who has devised an extraordinary method to capture and store excess glacial runoff into magnificent ice pyramids. ADAPTATION is a PBS digital series created by scientist and National Geographic Explorer Alizé Carrère, who examines the myriad ways communities around the world are learning to live with climate change in innovative and surprising ways.

Mountain Communities Innovative Engineering Global Warming