2022 | Germany | Documentary

300 Trillion – The Debt Trap

  • English - 83 mins
  • Director | Rudolph Herzog
  • Writer | Rudolph Herzog
  • Producer | Jürgen Kleinig

STATUS: Released

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Social inequality is at an all-time high, influenced by racial and generational factors with very few ways to escape – that is the reality of people in debt all over the world. The vicious cycle of loans, debts, followed by more loans sucks people in like a black hole, often without a chance to escape. Personal debt may seem insignificant compared to immense state and global debt, but it can freeze a family's life and future, leaving them completely stuck. Financial experts and debtors themselves share their experience with the mechanisms of debt and the pitfalls of a frustrating struggle with it.

Debt Crisis Global Economy Financial Systems Personal Debt Stories Economic Inequality