Our bodies may defy our intentions and control. In this program we'll look at the ambiguities of hormones, the challenges of disability, the anxieties of sensory anomaly, and even the eerie promise of speculative gastronomical reconfiguration. But in these shape-shifting experiments in documentary and fictional storytelling, we find evidence that even our most critical somatic disconnects may be sublimated into poetry.
Well Wishes My Love, Your Love (Gabriel Gabriel Garble, 2023, Malaysia, 9 min)
Hormonal (Pien van Grinsven, 2023, The Netherlands, 12 min)
Cabbage (Holly Márie Parnell, 2023, Canada, 25 min)
Pigment-Dispersion Syndrome (Jennifer Reeves, 2022, United States, 6 min)
68.415 (Antonella Sabatino & Stefano Blasi, 2022, Italy, 20 min)
TRT: 72 min