Do we co-exist or are we encroaching on the lands we inhabit? How can we achieve an equilibrium or an exchange of sorts with our environments?
J'ai le Cafard | Maysaa Almumin, Kuwait / Qatar / Egypt, 14 min, 2020 - East Coast Premiere
Sea Dragon | James Morgan, United Kingdom, 17 min, 2020 - New York Premiere
The Problem of the Hydra | Maija Tammi, Finland, 10 min, 2020 - US Premiere
Interspecies Architecture | Mauricio Freyre, Peru / Spain / Taiwan, 12 min, 2021 - US Premiere
Antonese | Lavado Stubbs, The Bahamas, 8 min, 2021
Galapagos: Secrets of the Ocean Giants | Jeffrey Garriock, Canada / Ecuador, 31 min, 2021 - New York Premiere